Bike Mill and Bakery

Bike Mill, Bakery, Tayside, Recyclers, Dundee, Bikes, Energy, Sustainable

My friend Kaspar invited me to an ‘Easter Feast’ and with the promise of bicycles, buns and baking… I couldn’t resist. It turned out to be a great little event at the Tayside Recycling Centre, where Fergus Walker had his ‘People Powered Flour Mill in action for the film team from Team Green Britain. There was also people busy baking yummy cranberry buns from the freshly ground flour and some of the more musically gifted making an unexpected, but fun trio of bagpipes, saxaphone and fiddle.

Bike Mill, Bike Bakery, Flour, Tayside Recyclers, Bikes, Cakes,

This was a great setting to witness the ‘People Powered Flour Mill, as when placed directly in this creative setting where people are making and baking all around it captures the essence of Fergus’s original aims for the tool – as a item that should educate and inspire. In fact, all these cakes and bikes got me thinking about the growing trend of bicycle bistros and what amazing places they could be if they had some bikes hooked up to grind flour to bake cakes or grind coffee beans to make great coffee. The event was hosted in the Tayside Recycling Centre, where my two friends Kaspar and Peter have been busy for the past year… as part of a volunteer collective called Bike Light Disco to create this useable space, collect and fix bikes, host a number of skillshare evenings and take part in some more unusual events. Really Great & Inspiring Stuff!