PARKing Day in Dundee 2013

Can a parking space in a city really only be used by a car? A good question to consider. If you pay the parking meter – can you just take over the space?

In San Francisco in 2005 Rebar Studio set up a single parking space as a park for a day. This has now evolved into a global movement – PARK(ing) Day – where thousands of artists, activists, designers and citizens temporarily transform city parking spaces to show how ordinary public spaces can easily be re-imagined. On the 20th September 2013 Dundee joined a host of cities worldwide in a celebration of the city space, when students from Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design designed a number of installations for PARK(ing) Day. So carry on reading to explore the fun areas that popped up in Dundee.

Parking day, dundee, 2013, scotland, city, spaces, design,

Play Don’t Park crafted a space for people to play! Their motivational signage ‘PLAY’ was salvaged from a recently closed swimming pool and their installation of play cubes were covered in colourful doodles & drawings from the days visitors.

Parking Day, Dundee, 2013, city, spaces

We’re Here to Make You Smile encouraged you to step towards happiness in their PARKing day space. After hopping over some motivational stepping stones, writing a happy memory on recycled CDs, you stepped into their transformed space made from recycled pallets to add your CD to the wall – where the happy memories of all the other visitors that day shining back at you. Then before leaving you were given a positive parking ticket – mine said “we love your dress”.


RE(cycle) crafted an exciting space where you were encouraged to jump on their intriguing bicycle contraption – they had hooked the old bicycles up to a pump that connected to a balloon. Balloons were blown up with ease & visitors encouraged to write an idea for improving sustainability in the city to tag their balloon.


CAR(nival) used recycled carpet tiles, old bottles, crates & tin cans to create a unique and colourful CAR(nival). They even handed out cones of popcorn & other tasty snacks – a definite lunchtime treat.

So instead of sitting and having lunch at work, I managed to:

  • have a go at hoopla
  • blow up a balloon with a bike
  • jump into the happiness pod
  • doodle in the play park.

Definitely, a good way to spend my lunch on Friday – even if it meant I ended up mainly just eating sweets.

+ Rebar Studio

+ PARK(ing) Day

+ Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design

Words & Images © Hazel Saunderson

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