Interview – Gary Hustwit

Earlier this year I completed an interview for Port Magazine with Gary Hustwit, an independent filmmaker who produced and directed what has become known as the Design Trilogy films. Gary spoke to me about how Helvetica (2007), Objectified (2009) and Urbanized (2011) enabled him to meet his heroes, and how crowd-funding helped to complete the project. You can read the full interview over on Port Magazine. It is worth a read – he really is a fascinating guy.

This quick writing project highlighted to me the need for us all to ask more questions, to reach out to different communities, engage with the city environment and make art and design accessible to all. The film that struck me the most in the trilogy was Urbanized; it highlights so many things that can be planned into cities, which have the potential to make a huge impact on the way people live. So I would urge you to watch it – you can start with the trailer below.

The Urbanized papercut image above was an image I created for day 16 of a Fun a Day project to reflect having completed the interview with Gary that day.

+ Port Magazine

+ Gary Hustwit

+ Design Trilogy films

Words & Images © Hazel Saunderson 2013

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